Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Deja Blooze at Recent Concerts on the Lane

The latest Deja Blooze lineup delivered a feisty 90 minute set of their signature "lively blues" on July 26th under the tent behind Angel 1 Chocolates in Langley. We were visited by two Dejettes (Doris & Kit) who provided enthusiastic vocal and rhythmic contributions to our version of Mind Your Own Business. We just recently added bass player Paul Goethel to our Deja family of players and after just one two-hour practice, Paul joined us On the Lane providing a nice heavy bassline to our original two guitar sound. Paul easily slipped into the Deja groove and, according to everyone present (including Ed and myself) the results were just great. You'll get a chance to hear Paul at our afternoon gig at the outdoor Useless Bay Coffee Performance Shed on Saturday August 9th from 11-2 pm. Thanks to Mona at The Angel for having us. Deja photo by Doris Newkirk

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